Thursday, 6 August 2015

Helpful Tips for Writers

1. Real life situations don't always translate well into novels. An author can't give the excuse of "but that actually happened." If it seems unbelievable to an editor then it will most likely not be accepted by the readers.
2. A good writer should be able to create a character who is not autobiographical. (said by Hazel Edwards.)
3. Try to write a character who is not the age you are. That way when it comes to writing the story you don't run out of things to write about because you have only gotten a certain amount of experience. (Hazel Edwards.)
4. You need to start with the most dramatic aspect. (Hazel Edwards.)
5. You need to have a good cover. (Hazel Edwards.)
6. Try not to fall into the trap of editing as you write. It can take up a lot of your time and in the end your piece may never be finished. (Said by John Marsden.)
7. Make sure you have a good relationship with your editor. (John Marsden)
8. Make sure you get good and honest editing from your editor (John Marsden)
9. Don't have too many characters it can distract from the story or a lot of dialogue. (John Marsden)
10. If the character doesn't change or learn anything then that must be the point of the book. (John Marsden.)
11. Keep characters voices distinct (John Marsden)
12. If a story is getting boring then it is your job to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN. It doesn't have to be a plot changing storyline it could just as easily be your character getting a pet or breaking a leg. (John Marsden)
13. You don't need to describe how characters look or anything (John Marsden) but at the same time also have details describing scenes, feelings or anything else. (John Marsden.)
14. All Romance novels have something called the "Black Moment." Where everything that could go wrong, can go wrong and will go wrong. And when everything seems like it will never be happy again something happens to make it so. (Jess Anastasi)
15. You don't always need a happily every after. You can settle for happily ever nows. (Keri Arthur)

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