Saturday 8 August 2015

Heart of the Matter

Anne Crawford and Helen O’Neill talked about their two respective books in the hopes of answering the question; what is harder to write about? A dog or an architect. Anne had released a very interesting novel about a dog-called Ralf who is a therapy dog. (And quite a big one at that, weighing in over 56 kilos.) Ralf rose to fame in 2012 when an article was found or mentioned on Dawn French’s facebook page. Helen’s book was bout Harry Sidler and is an autobiography of his life commissioned by his wife Penelope. (In all honesty I was sitting in this session confused because I don’t know who he is.) I must admit the conversation when it was about Ralf was quite riveting and interesting whereas when it came to Harry I was a little befuddled as to what was going on because I don’t know who he was. In the end I never did find out the answer to the previously posed question. 

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